RookSoft’s Goals

At RookSoft, we are dedicated to producing quality applications which meet (or beat) deadlines. We are dedicated to exceeding our customers’ expectations and delivering quality service. Our aim is to be the best iPhone developer in Singapore and to help create a reputation for Singapore as the place to go to for world-class mobile developers.

Our aims:

  • Corporate social responsibility.
  • Providing opportunities for up-and-coming mobile developers and nurturing local developer talent.
  • Unequivocal excellence in all aspects of the company.
  • Honesty and integrity.
  • Providing quality applications that exceed our customer’s expectations while being tailor-made for them.
  • Offering realistic options, solutions, and alternatives to our customers.
  • Meet or beat all our deadlines.
  • Provide a working environment that is not just enjoyable for our employees, but also promotes innovation and personal growth for them.